Wednesday 2 August 2017

Easy Ways to Stay Warm

Why is it important to stay warm? Well, the answers to this question are quite obvious. Staying warm helps you to stay healthy and comfortable. For instance, have you ever forgotten to bring a jacket for that cold weather? Maybe later on during the day, you’d end up sneezing and know that the dreaded cold was coming. To help you prevent such mishaps and help you stay comfortable during the colder climates, especially winter, we will give you three easy to use and effective tips to stay warm.


Your choice of clothing and accessories can help you stay warm easily when you are enjoying your time outside of the house.


There’s an old wives tale that heat escapes from your ears. Whether that’s true or not, science does show us that there is a process called convection where heat from a warm object escapes when it comes into contact with a non-warm object. That’s why in cold weather, it is important to be appropriately dressed to make sure all that heat inside of you remains. One of the most vulnerable parts of your body is your head! Make sure you protect it by wearing a warm fuzzy hat!


Ideally, you should have three layers of clothing to stay warm: an inner layer, a middle layer and an outer layer. In a future post, we will tell you more about what materials you should wear for each layer. For now, just know that in very cold climates, 3 layers are the way to go.

Other accessories:

Other accessories for you to wear include hand-warmers and scarves. These help protect vulnerable parts of your body from the cold so you can enjoy your day to the utmost!


Turn On Your Ceiling Fan

Have you ever heard the saying, “heat rises?” Well, studies show that this saying is true! Push precious warm air back down into your room by turning on your ceiling fan at its lowest setting so you can stay nice and warm.

Dress Up Your Windows

When the cold winter comes, exchange your thin curtains for thicker ones. Heavier curtains made of wool or fleece make all the difference in heating up your home during winter.

Layer Your Sheets

Keep your fluffy thicker sheets as the bottom layer with the thinner ones on top to lock in all that precious heat. You’ll have a fantastic time napping and stay warm and toasty all through those tough winter nights!

These are some of the tips that you can use to stay warm during those cold winter months. In the future, we’ll be introducing more posts about staying warm in the colder weather that can help you.

Originally posted 2016-06-23 01:32:56.

The post Easy Ways to Stay Warm appeared first on iHateTheCold.


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